Ayana Knowles Consulting

Marketing Made Easy

Best Steps to a Great Marketing Plan

Best Steps to a Great Marketing Plan

Build a marketing plan that attracts your ideal client.
Feel free to use my step-by-step marketing plan to help expand your brand promise.

Want a customized marketing plan for your next project? Schedule a free call today!

A Testimonial is Worth 100 Cold Calls!

If you hate cold calling, and even if you don’t, you should start capitalizing on the work you have already done.

So often we don’t utilize one of the most persuasive selling components in our marketing materials, which is the words of our own clients. Many creative people have wonderful testimonials from clients, but never use them for fear that they are bragging, or that it is too self-promotional.

Well of course it is self-promotional! That is what good marketing is!

When you have finished a project for a client, why not capture that moment in the client’s own words to use for showing potential clients the value of your services? Testimonials are even more crucial for creative businesses because it is more difficult for the average person to set a value on most arts-related items and services. Seeing others talk about the value of working with you will help them more readily understand the value of your work.

If your client doesn’t come running to you with a testimonial, then ask for one. There is nothing wrong with asking, and most clients are honored you asked them.

The best testimonials are ones that show a measurable goal has been reached and use language that your potential clients can identify with.

If you have testimonials, but they are not measurable, then they aren’t as persuasive as they need to be in order to sell to a future client. To get measurable testimonials, ask your client to write a specific example of improvements since working with you, then thank the client for the kind comments and ask him to narrow down the success to one or two specific items that are improved due to your work together.

You can respond with something like:
Thanks for your feedback. It is wonderful to hear about your success. What specifically has improved during our work together? Were you able to measure the difference?

Here’s a quick view of a few testimonials I’ve received from my colleagues. ayanaknowlesconsultingtestimonials

The more measurable the testimonial, and the more the client speaks in his own words, the more persuasive it is to the future client, and the easier it is to generate new business.

Get started today; review your client database and most recent projects.  Then ask your best clients for measurable testimonials.  It’s a whole lot easier than making a cold call!

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